6 essential steps to a successful website project

The implementation of a website project involves many components. No matter how complex a web project is, it is essential to master each step to reach your goals. You want to create a high-performance website to add value to your business? Before that you will have to implement several points!

Define your objectives for your website project

Before starting a web project, it is essential to know precisely what is at stake and what your objectives are. Start by asking yourself why you want to open a website.

The objectives are, indeed, varied from one company to another. You may need a website to increase your visibility, expand your customer base, or simply expand your commercial offer.

Do not hesitate to be as precise as possible about the nature of your ambitions on the web. Indeed, an SEO agency must perfectly understand your motivations to deliver a result that meets your expectations.

Identify your target

Every company needs to define its target to meet its objectives. In marketing, we call “buyer persona” the customer profile likely to adhere to your offer. By identifying your target, you analyze precisely the logic of your consumers. Identifying a buyer persona implies generating a maximum of information from customers and/or prospects.

The challenge is to question them on different aspects such as their age, their social, family and demographic situation, or their relationship to digitalization for example. Note that a company must always identify what constitutes a major obstacle in the purchasing actions of its customers. The challenge is to accompany the customer in his buying journey (the “Buyer Journey”) by providing him with real expertise.

Analyze the competition

The analysis of your market on the web is essential to draw the outline of your project. By identifying your competitors, you will be able to draw precise information on their positioning and their strategy of communication strategy.

This benchmarking approach allows you to put in place the best possible tools to stand out. You will also have an overview of the dynamism of your sector of activity on the web.

Build your specifications

This modality allows you to establish the specific uses of your website. It allows you to clearly formalize your needs and to inform all the stakeholders of your project. A specification includes a set of information such as the pages and sub-pages of your site, the payment module, the desired features, etc.

An external service provider can help you to elaborate this essential document if you do not have the capacity. Thanks to the specifications, you will be able to identify precisely the basis of your project, its duration and its cost.

Consider the site’s tree structure

A website is composed of different sections, to be hierarchically arranged in a specific order to facilitate the navigation experience. Furthermore, your site must be able to accommodate different types of content, such as photos, graphics or text.

The development of a website consists of thinking about its appearance and design. If you do not have a logo, the creation of a graphic charter is also highly recommended. It allows you to define the universe of your company and to convey your identity and your values.

Choose your domain name and host

Finding your domain name is essential as it will accompany you throughout your web project. We advise you to choose a domain name that is simple to remember, easy to identify and relatively concise.

The choice of a host is more about the phase where your website will be available. This step is essential for your site to appear online.

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